Proceedings | Leadership area | Year 2015

Introducing Design Thinking in Thai Management Classrooms

by Astrid Kainzbauer
  The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Opening Governence in British Columbia, Canada August 2015


Management scholars and educators have long been calling for changes to make management education more relevant for an increasingly messy, unpredictable and complex business reality. In particular the rational-analytic teaching approach of business schools has been criticized in favor of methods that allow for more exploratory learning with room for experimentation, intuition and reflection. As Starkey&Tempest (2009) aptly put it: “We need to balance calculation with imagination” (Starkey&Tempest, 2009:578). In this paper I explore an alternative approach to teaching management. Tapping into the literature on design thinking and embodied realism, I present a tool which encourages students to uncover their intuitive insights and to experiment with exploration and reflection. I report on using the tool in Thai management classrooms and elaborate on expected and unexpected benefits I discovered.

Keywords: design thinking, embodied realism, analogically-based methods, experiential learning, management education