Proceedings | Marketing area | Year 2014

Aging Consumers and Technological Rejection

by Jul Thanasrivanitchai; Randall Shannon
  Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) in Kanazawa, Japan 27-31 July 2014


This paper aims to explore the reason why older consumers show less acceptance of technological innovative products or services by using the Control Theory framework, because assuming all non-adopters as homogeneous may be inaccurate. Since many older consumers have rejected technological innovative products, we should learn more by focusing on understanding the reasons for innovation refusal rather than just on the reasons for adoption.The Control Theory framework is well suited to explore the concept of technological innovation acceptance for older consumer behavior because this theory focuses on the individual’s goal and development regulation across the life-span.It is expected that goal influences on directions, vigor, energy, persistence of action and finally termination.This study will also merge Aging Theory effects (moderators) with Control Theory because many aging theories are likely to be maximized under circumstances where primary control is lost.